Our Above The Line Virtual Conference

Virtual Conference

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The internet isn’t perfect for everything, but it’s perfect for this…

On June 7th and 8th, we’re hosting a virtual conference: it’s like going to a conference, but without having to go to a conference.

How does it work? We designed a conference that let’s you attend from anywhere, doesn’t use up your whole day (we split it across 2 days), and packed it full of industry rock stars.  Why? Simple; we’re committed to your evolution and giving you ideas, thinking, approaches and tools you can use to serve your clients better than ever. Here’s the line-up that you’re going to love:

Day 1 – Tuesday, June 7th, 2016 (times are Eastern Time Zone)

  • 1pm – Todd Fithian: Occupy Planning – There is a time when you have to take a stand. And Todd’s session will zero in on the arguably defiant stand that advisors are being asked to take. He’ll focus on connecting your client with their vision, and then having the courage to steward that vision beyond all else. You’ll be looking into the deep end of the fiduciary pool for this one.
  • 2pm – Dr. Tom Deans: The Ultimate Test Run of Family Legacy – Disclosing the Contents of Your Will is the ultimate test run of your legacy. Prepare to unlearn what you thought you knew about estate planning as Tom shares how family meetings connect generations and ease the transfer of wealth.
  • 3pm – George Hartman: Succeeding at Succession – George will bring his extensive experience to the table and dig into clarifying the connection between you, and your business. Will you be in control of your exit? Or will circumstances dictate it?
  • 4pm – Kathleen Burns Kingsbury: Breaking the Money Silence – Kathleen is an expert on financial psychology and will help us collectively break the silence barrier about money and wealth. Connecting couples, partners, and generations to wealth goals can only happen when we enter the conversations that others avoid. She’ll show you how.

[you probably already want to register just based on this, but keep reading…]

Day 2 – Wednesday, June 8th, 2016  (times are Eastern Time Zone)

  • 10am – Alyssa Dver, Author of Kick Ass Confidence – Nothing great happens without confidence, and Alyssa has dug into the science of confidence, how to apply it to your life, and your business. But it’s not only about your confidence, it’s also about activating the confidence of prospects and clients so they can make their best decisions ever.
  • 11am – Ammon Brown: Connecting Generations of Clients – Ammon Brown is with Everplans and will share the thinking behind how to connect clients and their families to you, to their futures, and connect everyone to the information that will be needed to make that happen. 
  • 12pm – Dr. Paul Schervish: Compelling Planning where Values Trump Taxes– Values can become more compelling than taxes in the planning process. As the estate tax exemption is rising towards $11 million, more and more affluent families are interested in estate planning in order to pass on messages, lessons and guidance for the future, rather than just tax savings. Dr. Schervish will be bringing his extensive expertise in working with the affluent to the forefront in this session.

There’s no cost, and we’ve designed this so you can attend, but not have things interrupted much at work. 1/2 the conference is Tuesday afternoon, and the other is Wednesday morning. Sessions are brief, followed by q&a and a chance to check a few emails and take a quick break before the next starts at the top of the hour.

This is an easy event to attend, because you can do it from anywhere! Join us on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 7th and the morning of Wednesday, June 8th from your home, your office, your tablet or your smart-phone: wherever you are, it’s easy to participate.

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