Start at a different place, end at a different place

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“Arriving at your destination is not your goal right now”

That phrase may be blunt, but the purpose behind it certainly isn’t.

Clients often come in with a destination in mind for their planning. As a result, the destination becomes the determining factor of whether or not a plan was successful.

That way of thinking is part of the problem with traditional planning approaches. Meaningful planning isn’t just about where you end – it’s about where you start. It’s at this point in a conversation with a client that The Planning Horizon™ is ready to make its grand entrance.

It’s understandable why the destination would be top of mind to a client, but you can’t begin to properly plan for it until you have gained clarity on what your client is trying to accomplish in the first place.

Mission, Vision, Values and Goals – determining those should be your target right now. Arriving at your destination is a welcomed side effect of hitting that bull’s-eye.

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