12 weeks of “Growing helps in the Short Term”

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We’ve come to the end of 12 weeks of thinking about “Growing helps in the Short Term.”

We said at the beginning of these 12 weeks that our thinking on Growth, and what it means, might be a little different than the conventional way of thinking. We hope that we’ve given you a new way to think about growing, and why it’s not a long-term solution for any of the problems your business may be facing.

Here are a few highlights from the last 12 weeks:

  • Growth is not the antidote to all business and life problems. –Chris Venn
  • We’re business owners too. We understand that growing is a top priority for you. We just need to start to think about it a little differently. – Todd Fithian
  • Growth just makes your problems that much trickier to solve. –Rob Falvey
  • If growth isn’t the answer, then what is? You need to evolve – not grow. – Todd Fithian
  • How much time do you devote every single day to getting face to face with the right people? –Chris Venn
  • A personal evolution by an individual is possible – regardless of what the definition of “evolution” may be. –Rob Falvey
  • In nature, the species that impose changes on themselves move to the top of the food chain. –Todd Fithian
  • We all have areas in our lives where we could evolve – what are yours? –Chris Venn
  • The fearful have the capacity to become the feared. –Chris Venn
  • If it’s important to evolve, rather than to grow, then why don’t we hear more about it? –Todd Fithian
  • When employees hear words like “change” or “new”, this can unintentionally cause them to go into self-protection mode. –Rob Falvey

We started this blog as a way to share our thinking and create a dialogue with you. We hope that you continue that dialogue with us on this topic, and others. But there’s still more thinking to be done. Next up, we’re going to be putting our heads together on the theme of “Decisions”. Let the thinking continue!

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