Don’t confuse, “Don’t focus on Growth” with “Don’t Sell”

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We’ve spent a lot of time recently discussing the idea that growing only helps in the short term. Your focus should be on evolving – not growing.

We want to make something very clear; that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be out there focusing on selling. You absolutely should be. You should spend time daily on selling. If that time isn’t being spent meeting with clients, then it should be spent reflecting on how to better improve your sales process. Often times when a business isn’t performing as it should be, what it really comes down to is that there isn’t enough time being devoted to getting face to face with the right people. All of the advice in the world won’t help you if you aren’t selling.

The take away here is don’t confuse the idea of “don’t focus on growth”, with “don’t focus on selling.” Focus on evolving, and that absolutely encompasses focusing on evolving in your ability to sell.

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