Draw the Line

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If we were to tell you to “Draw the Line,” you’d probably look at us and wonder what exactly we’re talking about. Do we mean literally draw a line, or figuratively?

We mean both. And that’s the whole point of the next 12 weeks of our Think-Legacy blog.

Literally speaking, we’re talking about the planning horizon – the most important line you can draw.

If you’re not too familiar with our work, let us explain. One of the biggest challenges the industry faces is the compulsion to hear a client concern, and then offer a solution. So we approach it a little differently. We start by drawing a line that we call The Planning Horizon. It divides the planning conversation into two parts: above the line, and below the line. “Above the line” conversations handle issues such as the client’s Vision, Mission, Values and Goals. Once these are clear, we then head “below the line” to dig into solution design.

When used in the right context, The Planning Horizon can open up a whole new realm of planning possibilities for you and your clients. It’s a serious conversation starter, and it works wonders for helping you to organize serious conversations.

But the double entendre here is that “Draw the Line” is also about making decisions. Making decisions, and sticking to those decisions, can be tough. It’s even tougher when the things that matter most to us are on the line.

These are two ideas that are intrinsic to Legacy, and are central to what we believe.

We look forward to bringing you some of our best thinking on this topic over the next 12 weeks. Let’s Draw the Line.

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