Twelve weeks of “Draw the Line”

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We’ve spent the last 12 weeks thinking through one of our favourite thought topics: “Draw the Line”.

Actually, “Draw the Line” incorporates two of our favourite thought topics. Literally speaking, we’re talking about the Planning Horizon – the most important line you can draw. Figuratively, we’re talking about making important decisions, and sticking to them.

Here are a few highlights from the last 12 weeks:

  • Making decisions can be tough. It’s even tougher when the things that matter most to us are on the line. –Rob Falvey
  • Having choices is great, but at some point we need to make some decisions if we’re going to get what we want out of life. –Chris Venn
  • Making big decisions can be overwhelming. But what is the risk of not making important decisions? Have you weighed that risk lately? –Todd Fithian
  • Achieving success” should not be viewed as a conclusion. There’s plenty of hard work to be done to make sure you keep that success. Commit to the plan that made you successful. –Todd Fithian
  • Nothing in your life will change until you make a deliberate decision to make it change. –Rob Falvey
  • If clients start to look down, draw their eyes back up and over the horizon. –Chris Venn
  • Things are much brighter above the Planning Horizon. –Todd Fithian
  • Dig into clients’ stories. Their personal history can reveal a lot about where their planning needs to go. –Rob Falvey
  • When a new client comes in with a question, fight the urge to respond with an answer. –Chris Venn
  • Commit to bring clarity to absolutely everything you do. –Rob Falvey
  • Put simply, arriving at your destination is not your goal right now. –Todd Fithian

We’ve enjoyed hearing your feedback over the last 12 weeks – we hope you continue the dialogue with us on this topic, and others. But there’s more thinking to be done. Next up, we’re going to be putting our heads together on the theme of “Growing Helps in the Short Term”. Let the thinking continue!

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